Friday Sermon delivered by
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(aba)
Incidents from the Life of the Holy Prophet(sa) – Events During the Battle of Uhud
After reciting Tashahhud, Ta‘awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad(aba) said that he had been mentioning the Battle of Uhud in reference to the life of the Holy Prophet(sa).
Steadfastness of the Companions in Battle
His Holiness(aba) said that the Holy Prophet(sa) was closest to the enemy and there were fifteen people who steadfastly remained by his side. Some narrations mention 30 people, others 11, 8, or 9. The possible explanation for this difference in numbers could be that the number of people around the Holy Prophet(sa) changed during the course of the battle, and whichever number a companion saw around the Holy Prophet(sa) at the time is the number that they related.
His Holiness(aba) said that it is also recorded that the Holy Prophet(sa) took an oath from 8 companions in which they pledged to lay down their lives. These included Hazrat Abu Bakr(ra), Hazrat Umar(ra), Hazrat Ali(ra), Hazrat Talhah(ra), Hazrat Zubair(ra), Hazrat Sa’d(ra), Hazrat Sahl bin Hunaif(ra), Hazrat Abu Dujanah(ra), Hazrat Harith bin Asimmah(ra), Hazrat Khubab bin Mundhir(ra), Hazrat Asim bin Thabit(ra). However, none of these companions were martyred in the battle.
His Holiness(aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra) who writes:
‘The feats of valour that were displayed by the companions who had gathered around the Holy Prophet(sa) were such that history is unable to present the like thereof. These people would revolve around the Holy Prophet(sa) like moths around a flame and continuously put their lives at stake for the Holy Prophet(sa). The Companions would take every blow upon themselves and along with protecting the Holy Prophet(sa) they would continue to strike the enemy.’
(The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets(as), Vol. 2, pp. 337-338)
His Holiness(aba) further quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra) who writes,
‘But how long could these few devotees withstand this grand flood, which was ravaging forward moment by moment from all fronts with its horrific waves. The Muslims would sway from side to side with every wave of every attack waged by the enemy, but as soon as its force would somewhat subside, these helpless Muslims would continue fighting and close in around their beloved Master. At times, the force of the attack would be so perilous that the Holy Prophet(sa) would practically be left standing alone. There was one occasion when only twelve men were left standing around the Holy Prophet(sa), and there was even a time when only two people were left standing by the Holy Prophet(sa). Among these devotees, the names of Hazrat Abu Bakr(ra), Ali(ra), Talhah(ra), Zubair(ra), Sa‘d bin Waqqas(ra), Abu Dujanah Ansari(ra), Sa‘d bin Mu‘adh(ra) and Talhah Ansari(ra) have been especially recorded.’
(The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets(as), Vol. 2, p. 338)
His Holiness(aba) said that this also explains the matter of how many Companions remained around the Holy Prophet(sa), and that it would change during the course of battle.
Answer to the Allegation that the Muslims Performed Tauriah
His Holiness(aba) quoted the Promised Messiah(as) about Tauriah, which means to say something that is different from what is in the heart or has double meaning. In response to an allegation made by a Christian, the Promised Messiah(as) said that during a time of disorder, to hide something out of fear and to protect a secret due to certain wisdom, to mention something in gilded words, but can be understood by someone possessing understanding and would not be understood by someone of lesser understanding contradicts the higher standards of righteousness taught by Islam. During the Battle of Uhud, the Holy Prophet(sa) stood alone and whilst facing a barrage of swords, he openly declared that he was the Messenger of Allah(sa). However, in the Christian tradition it is found that Jesus told his disciples to hide the fact that he was the Messiah. How could Christians attribute such qualities to a prophet?
Martyrdom of Hazrat Ziyad bin Sakan(ra)
His Holiness(aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra) who writes:
‘On one occasion, when an extraordinary wave of an attack by the Quraish arose, the Holy Prophet(sa) said, “At this time, who offers to sacrifice his life in the cause of Allah?” This voice happened to reach the ears of an Ansari, who along with six other Companions from among the Ansar advanced, and each and every one of them gave their lives, fighting around the perimeter of the Holy Prophet(sa). The head of this party was Ziyad bin Sakan(ra). After this attack, the Holy Prophet(sa) ordered that Ziyad(ra) be brought to him. The people brought him and presented him before the Holy Prophet(sa). At the time, there was still some life left in Ziyad(ra), but he was in his last breaths. In this condition, he raised his head with immense effort and placed his face upon the footsteps of the Holy Prophet(sa), and it was in this very state that he gave up his life.’
(The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets(as), Vol. 2, pp. 338-339)
Martyrdom of Hazrat Mus’ab bin Umair(ra)
His Holiness(aba) said that Hazrat Mus’ab bin Umair(ra) was also martyred during the Battle of Uhud. He was fighting in front of the Holy Prophet(sa) while bearing the flag. He was attacked by Ibn Qami’ah as a result of which his right arm was cut off. He then held the flag with his left hand and then Ibn Qami’ah cut off his left arm. Hazrat Mus’ab(ra) then held the flag against his chest, and then Ibn Qami’ah struck him in the chest as a result of which Hazrat Mus’ab was martyred.
His Holiness(aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra) who writes,
‘The army of the Quraish had pretty much surrounded them from all four fronts and continued to crush the Muslims moment by moment through repeated attacks. Yet, even after all this, the Muslims probably would have may well regained themselves shortly thereafter, but the outrage was that a bold warrior from among the Quraish named ‘Abdullah bin Qum’ah attacked Mus‘ab bin ‘Umair(ra), the flag-bearer of the Muslims and severed his right hand with the blow of his sword. Mus‘ab(ra) immediately clutched the flag with his other hand and advanced to confront Ibni Qum’ah, but in his second blow, the other hand was severed as well. Upon this, Mus‘ab(ra) joined both of his severed hands together in an endeavour to keep the Islamic flag from falling, and held it to his chest, upon which Ibni Qum’ah struck him a third time, and this time Mus‘ab was martyred and fell to the ground. As far as the flag was concerned, another Muslim immediately advanced and took hold of it, but since the size and figure of Mus‘ab resembled the Holy Prophet(sa), Ibni Qum’ah thought that he had slain the Holy Prophet(sa). It is also probable that this scheme of his was merely guided by motives of mischief and deceit. In any case, when Mus‘ab(ra) was martyred and fell, Ibn Qum’ah exclaimed that he had slain Muhammad[sa]. At this news, the Muslims lost whatever composure was left in them and their force was scattered completely.’
(The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets(as), Vol. 2, pp. 334)
His Holiness(aba) said that despite the Muslim army becoming scattered and a few moments of carelessness from the Muslims started turning victory into defeat, the Holy Prophet(sa) made quick and decisive decisions according to the changing tides of the war. It was as a result of these decisions that the enemy was unable to completely finish the Muslim army.
Slumber Overcoming the Companions in Battle
His Holiness(aba) said that it is also recorded that during the Battle of Uhud, a state of drowsiness and slumber overcame the companions. It was in this regard that the Qur’anic verse was revealed:
‘Then, after the sorrow, He sent down peace on you—a slumber that overcame a party of you, while the other party was anxious concerning their own selves, thinking wrongly of Allah like unto the thought of ignorance. They said, ‘Is there for us any part in the government of affairs?’ Say, ‘All government belongs to Allah.’’ (The Holy Qur’an, 3:155)
His Holiness(aba) quoted the Fourth Caliph, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(rh) who explained that a peaceful slumber can refer to such peace after fear likened to sleep, or such sleep which was peaceful, or such peace that felt like sleep. In fact, it also refers to that middle period of wakefulness and sleeping, when a person is nodding off, when one wakes up when their head nods, before they fall into a deep sleep.
His Holiness(aba) said that the companions were extremely fatigued and needed time to become refreshed, but that time did not exist. And so, for such a state to overcome all of the companions is nothing short of a miracle.
Injuries Sustained by the Holy Prophet(sa) in Battle
His Holiness(aba) said that the Holy Prophet(sa) faced many attacks from swords, but remained safe from them all. The Promised Messiah(as) also writes that on this occasion, the Holy Prophet’s(sa) bravery was on full display.
His Holiness(aba) said that someone from the enemy army would dig small trenches so that the Muslims would remain unaware and fall into them. The Holy Prophet(sa) at one point also fell into one of these trenches, injuring both his knees. It was also at this time that Ibn Qum’ah attacked the Holy Prophet(sa) with his sword. Although the sword itself did not inflict any damage, the Holy Prophet’s(sa) neck jolted, due to which he experienced pain in his neck for more than a month. Ibn Qum’ah also launched stones at the Holy Prophet(sa). One struck the Holy Prophet’s(sa) blessed face, breaking one of his bottom teeth and injuring his lip. During this attack, the Holy Prophet’s(sa) helmet also broke.
His Holiness(aba) said that he would continue narrating these incidents in the future.
Funeral Prayers
His Holiness(aba) made mention of the following deceased members:
Abu Hilmi Muhammad Ukashah of Palestine. He was brutally martyred a few days ago. His body was found lying in the street a short distance from his home. He was a very sincere Ahmadi. He is survived by seven sons, five daughters and 33 grandchildren. One of his grandchildren says that they had been unable to contact him. Then, during the temporary pause in fighting, they went out looking for him, but he was not at home. His body was found a hundred meters away from his home. He had been shot in the head.
He helped another person in Gaza learn about and accept Ahmadiyyat. He explained various concepts of the Holy Qur’an. He had been writing a book for some time. He had intended to expand his home to make a library and include literature of the Community. However, he was persecuted by his family due to being an Ahmadi, and so this desire of his could not be fulfilled. He would always be studying the literature of the Community. Despite being embroiled in difficult circumstances, he always met everyone kindly and with a smile.
After he accepted Ahmadiyyat, he would preach the message to all those around him, which often led to him facing difficulties. His desire was for the Community to be spread throughout the world. His Holiness(aba) prayed that may Allah elevate his station, make his children the recipients of his prayers and enable his family to recognise Ahmadiyyat as the true Islam and enable them to see peace in their area. May Allah stop the oppressors and bring them to task.
His Holiness(aba) said that Israel is also taking measures against Lebanon to combat Hezbollah, which will result in the conditions only worsening. Similarly, the USA and Britain have opened fire in Yemen. All of these things are only expanding the war further. Now, many writers have said that a world war seems to be drawing near. There is a great need for prayers. May Allah grant understanding and wisdom to humanity.
Amatul Naseer Zafar wife of Haidar Ali Zafar, a missionary in Germany. She is survived by her husband, two sons and a daughter. Her grandfather was a companion of the Promised Messiah(as). Due to her husband’s work in the field, they had to live apart for almost 12 years, but she never complained. She was very virtuous, offered her prayers regularly, recited the Holy Qur’an and was generous in offering alms. His Holiness(aba) prayed that may Allah grant her forgiveness and mercy.
Naseem Akhtar wife of Habibullah Kahloon. She is survived by six sons and two daughters. One of her daughters passed away and she raised her children with great care. Four of her sons are life devotees. One of her sons is a missionary in Liberia and due to being in the field of service, he was unable to attend her funeral. She had a great deal of religious knowledge. She loved the Community and Khilafat. She was regular in offering prayers. She would complete three or four recitations of the Holy Qur’an in full during the month of Ramadan. She had told her son, who is a missionary, that whenever she passed away he should not leave his duty or station.
Mubarika Begum wife of Rashid Ahmad from Bashirabad State. Ahmadiyyat was introduced to her family through her father. She was regular in offering prayers, selflessly served the Community and served in various capacities. Her entire life was spent in service to the Community. She taught scores of children to recite the Holy Qur’an. She was very trustworthy and many women would leave their jewelry with her. She possessed a very high standard of morals. She is survived by her husband, a son and five daughters. Two of her sons-in-law are serving as missionaries in Africa, and as a result of being in the field of service, two of her daughters were unable to attend their mother’s funeral. His Holiness(aba) prayed that may Allah grant them patience, elevate the station of the deceased, grant her forgiveness and mercy and accept her prayers for her children.
Summary prepared by The Review of Religions